I learned fearlessness from Balasaheb. Even if an arrow is shot, it will not be taken back. We mainly took this from Balasaheb. Sanjay Raut also said that he will not turn back, he has gone forward now.

Thackeray group’s spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut is constantly presenting the position of Thackeray group. Every day they come in front of the media and keep the government on edge. In this background, he has given a live interview from this podcast of Awaz Kona. In this interview, he has clarified his relationship with Balasaheb. Also, he has expressed a clear opinion about the role of Shiv Sena.

“Until the day I entered the match, I had no experience in writing forewords. Balasaheb was waiting the next day. He called and congratulated. I never retreated from writing. I have a lot of faith in writing. A revolution took place with pen and voice. Whenever in the world When someone wanted to make a revolution, he started a newspaper. Acharya Atriya drew Maratha for United Maharashtra. In order to spread the message of freedom to the last person in the country, people took out saffron. So I still believe in black and white paper and pen even though many media are created. Sanjay Raut said that only this revolution happens.

“I got the most company of Balasaheb. He had a very normal relationship with Balasaheb. Stayed that way. There was a discussion with Balasaheb. The foreword is not to be discussed. Often he would read the headlines in the morning. Pat your back if you like. Angry many times. Father gets angry. But Sanjay Raut said that he used to appreciate in public meetings.

“While we were sitting, some prominent people would come and introduce themselves. Meet my co-editor Sanjay Raut. Very Fire Editor. Fire is fire. He had such a big mind. Appreciated in public meetings. A leader appreciates his colleagues and workers. Sanjay Raut also said that he makes his colleagues.

I learned fearlessness from Balasaheb:
I learned fearlessness from Balasaheb. Even if an arrow is shot, it will not be taken back. We mainly took this from Balasaheb. He said that he will not turn back, he has gone forward now.

Shiv Sena of Balasaheb:
“You are the original creator of any party or organization whose role and ideas are passed down through generations. Who established Congress? Is that Congress today? Congress in the Freedom Movement. Thousands went to jail. Tulsi leaves were placed on the doors of houses. People went to the dice, it was Congress. But now the party changed. Politics changed. So is Shiv Sena. The original reason for which Shiv Sena was formed It happened, that situation also changed. A Marathi man whom you call Ghati Konkani, a beggar. A Marathi man had no dignity. Today, after Balasaheb has earned this reputation with hard work in 50 years of tireless efforts, some questions have been reduced. But the organization is the same. Shiv Sena belongs to Balasaheb.It will remain Balasaheb Thackeray’s till the end. This Shiv Sena is not even of Uddhav Thackeray. Uddhav Thackeray says Shivsana is not mine. This Shiv Sena belongs to Balasaheb. We all are in this stream, we are in the stream thinking of Balasaheb. Our soul is in it”, also said Sanjay Raut.

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