Bushra Bibi, the spouse of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, has made a heartfelt appeal through a letter addressed to the Home Secretary of Punjab province. In her letter, she advocates for certain privileges, commonly known as ‘B-class facilities,’ for her husband under the framework of the ‘Pakistan Prison Rules.’ These privileges include the allowance for Imran Khan to enjoy home-cooked meals in accordance with the established jail guidelines and to receive medical evaluation from a private doctor. Expressing deep concern for his safety, Bushra Bibi sheds light on the fact that a court ruling had directed Imran Khan’s transfer to Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi, a transfer that has yet to be executed.

Imran khan wife

In the letter, Bushra Bibi voices her apprehension over potential threats to Imran Khan’s well-being, even suggesting the alarming possibility of him being subjected to harm, even poisoning, during his time at Attock jail. Her concerns are rooted in the past, as she mentions the previous instances of assassination attempts against her husband that remain unresolved. These incidents have undoubtedly contributed to the prevailing sense of vulnerability surrounding Imran Khan’s current situation.

The context behind Imran Khan’s recent arrest further adds to the gravity of the situation. He was taken into custody in connection with the Toshakhana case, a matter revolving around the sale of government gifts received from foreign dignitaries during his tenure as Prime Minister from 2018 to 2022. Imran Khan was subsequently sentenced to a one-year prison term and handed a five-year political ban.

The urgency of Bushra Bibi’s appeal is palpable, as she seeks not only the upholding of her husband’s rights but also a thorough investigation into the possible lack of adherence to the prescribed jail regulations. Her concerns find resonance within the PTI Core Committee, a key decision-making body within the ruling party. This committee has similarly voiced worries about the potential for ‘slow poison’ and demanded provisions for Imran Khan’s consumption of safe, home-cooked food and water.

The letter from Bushra Bibi portrays a deeply concerned spouse and a citizen who seeks not only justice for her husband but also the assurance of his well-being while incarcerated. It brings to light the challenges and complexities that emerge when personal life intersects with the intricacies of political and legal affairs.

For similar news :https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/pakistan/imran-khans-wife-bushra-bibi-demands-b-class-facilities-for-her-husband/articleshow/102850185.cms?from=mdr

For more world news: https://spotnews2023.com/index.php/2023/08/18/ukraine-drone-attack-moscow/

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