ISRO’s Aditya-L1 Mission

ISRO’s Aditya-L1 Mission: In a groundbreaking endeavor, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has embarked on a mission to explore the enigmatic realms of the Sun with Aditya. This solar mission, which recently witnessed its first Earth-bound maneuver, promises to shed light on the Sun’s scorching mysteries. Join us as we delve into the details of this mission and its implications for solar science.

Aditya-L1 launch

Aditya’s Journey Begins

Following its launch, it spent a remarkable 16 days in Earth-bound orbits, undergoing a series of five maneuvers. These maneuvers were essential to gain the necessary velocity for its upcoming celestial journey. However, for the dedicated scientists and engineers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) responsible for Aditya’s main payload, the mission came with a peculiar rule: no perfumes or sprays allowed. The reason? The pursuit of scientific purity.


Unveiling Aditya’s Main Payload – VELC:

At the heart of the Aditya mission lies its main payload, the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC), meticulously crafted by the IIA team. VELC’s purpose is to unlock the Sun’s deepest secrets, particularly focusing on the high temperature of the Sun’s corona, which can soar up to a staggering 2 million degrees. This extreme contrast with the Sun’s surface temperature of around 5,000 degrees has baffled scientists for years.

Aditya-L1 launch

The Quest to Understand Solar Phenomena:

Somak Raychaudhury, Vice-Chancellor of Ashoka University and an eminent astrophysicist, sheds light on the mission’s primary goal: to decipher why the Sun’s corona is astonishingly hot. This baffling mystery in solar science has far-reaching implications. Aditya aims to uncover these mysteries, potentially establishing causal connections between the Sun and its corona.

Key Instruments Aboard Aditya-L1:

It is equipped with a range of instruments to accomplish its mission. Among these, the Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) plays a vital role. SUIT captures continuous images of the Sun in the ultraviolet spectrum, crucial for studying the Sun’s corona due to the significant ultraviolet and X-ray radiation it emits.

Protecting Against Solar Storms:

Intriguingly, Aditya-L1’s observations may also help bridge the gap between the Sun’s surface and the emission of high-energy particles during solar storms. These storms, closely linked to the Sun’s magnetic activity, have the potential to disrupt human technologies, including satellites and communication systems.

Aditya-L1’s Global Significance:

Beyond its national importance, Aditya-L1 holds global significance in the field of solar research. Collaborations with international space agencies and scientific organizations have expanded the mission’s reach, promising a wealth of shared knowledge and collaborative efforts in unraveling the Sun’s mysteries. As Aditya-L1 continues its journey into the depths of our solar system, the world watches with anticipation, knowing that the discoveries made by this mission have the potential to advance our understanding of the universe and inspire future generations of space scientists and explorers.

Monitoring the Sun Around the Clock:

One of Aditya-L1’s primary objectives is to enable continuous observation of the Sun for 24 hours a day. This unhindered monitoring of the Sun’s activity is crucial for scientists and researchers to gain unprecedented insights into its behavior, helping us better predict space weather phenomena and their potential impacts on our planet. With two major instruments and five smaller ones at its disposal, Aditya-L1 is well-equipped to embark on this remarkable scientific journey, and the global scientific community eagerly awaits the discoveries it will uncover.


As Aditya-L1 embarks on its journey to unlock the Sun’s mysteries, the scientific community eagerly anticipates the wealth of knowledge it will bring. This mission not only promises to deepen our understanding of our closest star but also holds the key to safeguarding our technology-dependent world from the wrath of solar storms.

Stay tuned for updates on India’s remarkable solar mission, Aditya-L1, as it continues to unravel the secrets of the Sun’s scorching corona.

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