
In a tragic turn of events, eastern Libya has been hit by devastating floods, leaving a trail of destruction and loss. The health authorities initially reported 61 confirmed deaths, but the true toll may be much higher. Derna, one of the hardest-hit areas, remains inaccessible, with thousands missing and feared swept away by the raging waters.

Libya Flood

Storm Daniel’s Wrath:

The catastrophe was unleashed by storm Daniel, which roared through the Mediterranean, wreaking havoc on its path. At least 150 lives have been lost, and the images captured by residents of the disaster-stricken region are heart-wrenching. The visuals reveal massive mudslides, collapsed buildings, and entire neighborhoods submerged under water.

Libya Flood

Derna’s Struggle:

Derna, a city that endured years of turmoil under the control of Islamic extremists, suffered the greatest devastation. Its inadequate infrastructure left it vulnerable, and the recent catastrophe has compounded its woes. Libya remains divided between two rival administrations, each backed by militias and foreign governments, further complicating the crisis

Flood in Libya

Missing in Derna (Libya):

As of late Monday, Prime Minister Ossama Hamad of the east Libyan government expressed fears that up to 2,000 people could have perished in Derna, while thousands more remain unaccounted for. He officially declared Derna a disaster zone. Ahmed al-Mosmari, a spokesman for the country’s armed forces, revealed that the death toll in Derna had exceeded 2,000, with an additional 5,000 to 6,000 individuals missing. The collapse of two nearby dams triggered a deadly flash flood that exacerbated the situation

Years of Instability:

Since the 2011 uprising that toppled Moammar Gadhafi, Libya has grappled with political instability and the absence of a central government. This lawlessness has resulted in neglected infrastructure, minimal regulation of private building, and dwindling investment in public services, including roads

Widespread Impact in Libya:

The disaster was not confined to Derna alone. Over 45 casualties were reported in the eastern town of Bayda, as confirmed by Abdel-Rahim Mazek, head of the town’s main medical center. Additionally, seven more lives were lost in the coastal town of Susa in northeastern Libya, according to the Ambulance and Emergency Authority. Health Minister Ossama Abduljaleel reported seven fatalities in the towns of Shahatt and Omar al-Mokhtar, with one death recorded in Marj town on Sunday.

UN’s Appeal:

Georgette Gagnon, the UN humanitarian coordinator for Libya, expressed deep sorrow over the catastrophic impact of storm Daniel on the nation. She urged local, national, and international partners to unite and provide urgent humanitarian aid to the affected regions.

International Response:

The international community has swiftly responded to the dire situation in eastern Libya. Humanitarian aid organizations and neighboring countries are mobilizing resources to provide assistance to the affected areas. Coordination efforts are underway to ensure that relief reaches those in need as quickly as possible. The United Nations, in collaboration with local partners, is working tirelessly to assess the extent of the damage and provide essential aid, including food, clean water, medical supplies, and shelter, to the survivors. This crisis serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for stability and infrastructure development in Libya to mitigate the impact of such natural disasters in the futur

Community Resilience:

Amidst the devastation, stories of resilience and solidarity are emerging from the communities affected by the flooding. Local residents, despite facing their own hardships, are coming together to support one another. Volunteers are assisting in search and rescue operations, and makeshift relief centers have sprung up to provide temporary shelter and basic necessities to those displaced by the floods. These acts of kindness and unity in the face of adversity are a testament to the strength of the human spirit. As the region begins its long journey toward recovery, the bonds formed during this crisis may well be a source of hope and inspiration for a brighter future in eastern Libya.


The eastern coast of Libya is reeling from the aftermath of storm Daniel, leaving behind a grim trail of death and destruction. Prime Minister Ossama Hamad has taken the necessary steps to address the crisis, but the road to recovery will be long and challenging.

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