
The Israel-Palestine conflict has once again erupted in a violent clash as the Palestinian armed group Hamas launched a sudden attack on Israel, firing a staggering 5000 rockets. In this comprehensive report, we unravel the reasons behind this sudden escalation and explore the broader context of the conflict.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

Reasons for Hamas’ Attack:

Hamas spokesperson, Khaled Kadomi, told Al Jazeera that this military campaign is in direct response to the decades-long atrocities suffered by Palestinians. Their aim is to draw international attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza and the threats to their holy sites, particularly Al-Aqsa. These grievances serve as the catalyst for the ongoing conflict. On the other hand, Israel contends that Hamas perpetuates terrorism within its territory, leading to its declaration of war as a response to quell this threat.

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood:

Dubbed ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ by Hamas, this attack marks the most significant confrontation between Israel and Hamas since the 11-day war in 2021. The Israeli army reports land, sea, and air strikes, with the initial rocket barrage taking place at 6:30 am local time. This assault occurred on ‘Simchat Torah,’ a crucial Jewish holiday known as Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles. In response to this attack on a sacred festival, Israel initiated “Operation Iron Swords.”

The Day of the Biggest Battle Israel-Palestine:

Hamas military commander Mohammad Daef declared this as the ‘day of the biggest battle’ aimed at ending what they consider the last occupation on Earth. Hamas has called upon fighters in the West Bank and from Arab and Islamic countries to join their cause, intensifying the conflict’s scale.

A Historical Perspective:

The Israel-Palestine conflict dates back to 1947 when the United Nations divided Palestine into two parts. Israel, home to the Jewish population, and Palestine, predominantly Islamic, became the focal points of tension. The Arab community expressed discontent with Israel’s formation, and the conflict has persisted ever since.

Roots in the Gaza Strip and West Bank

In Israel-Palestine the Gaza Strip lies between Israel and Egypt, previously occupied by Israeli forces until 2005. Subsequently, Israel imposed restrictions on the area, leading to ongoing tensions. Palestinians seek an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, with Hamas controlling Gaza while the West Bank remains under Israeli occupation.

Jerusalem’s Significance:

Jerusalem plays a central role in this conflict, with Israel occupying the religious city. In contrast, Palestine aspires to establish it as the capital of their independent state. The dispute over Jerusalem’s holy sites, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque, has been a persistent point of contention, thwarting peace initiatives over the past 25 years.

Locations of the Attacks:

The rocket attacks have reached as far north as Tel Aviv, and Hamas fighters have infiltrated southern Israel, targeting pedestrians in cities like Sderot. Reports suggest that Hamas fighters have taken control of several Israeli civilian-populated areas. Israeli military forces have responded with airstrikes on Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip, while gun battles continue in multiple towns, including Kafr Aza, Sderot, Sufa, Nahal Oz, Magen, Berri, and the Reim military base.


As the Israel-Palestine conflict once again takes center stage on the global scene, the world watches with bated breath, hoping for a resolution to this longstanding crisis that has claimed countless lives and fueled unrest in the region. The complexities surrounding the conflict make it a volatile and deeply rooted issue, with no easy solutions in sight.

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